Oh, Hello Rosacea!

Written by Eleanor, Made Of More Customer 

I started to notice some spots appearing around my nose and across my cheeks literally as the clock was striking midnight and I turned 40 - I kid you not! At first, I freaked out; this wasn’t my ‘usual’ skin. Why was it doing this? Wracking my brains to work out if I’d changed something in my diet, indulging in too much wine and all the while spending a small fortune on every spot busting product I could find, positive results were minimal.

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I turned to a great girlfriend of mine (a problem shared is a problem halved so they say) and she suggested that it could be more hormonal induced and should maybe try seeking advice from my GP, which I then did. 

I am a massive advocate of the NHS and yes, my GP was helpful in one aspect as my so-called breakout was diagnosed ‘Acne Rosacea’ and I was prescribed Metronidazole, a topical cream to apply but, and now that I know, this was a big BUT, it was dismissed as having any links to changing hormones and that this skin condition was something I just had to live with!

To start with the prescribed cream helped but the red spots and skin patches came back with a vengeance. I wondered if this was something I was going to have to live with until I was through the menopause and my hormones would have calmed down? Dr Google only added to my fears and suggested removing all caffeine, alcohol, spicy foods and stress! Spicy foods maybe but everything else - I’m a mother juggling a busy household and a job!!

I started to keep a diary and for me stress and sugar were the triggering factors; this seemed to be the cause of the rosacea flare-ups. I know that ‘aggressors’ can come in all forms and for me stress, sugar + overactive ‘fun-loving’ 40yr old hormones were doing my skin no favours. Having now deciphered and identified the root of the problem I could now start to address it.

Sugar and alcohol has been reduced (definitely not eradicated!) and Camomile tea has now become my best friend as has a blood sugar balancing diet (think more protein, fibre and complex carbs rather than chocolate) to reduce the cravings. Topically, I have focused more on anti-inflammatory ingredients and streamlined my routine to ensure I am not overloading my skin. Made of More’s Rescue Balm has been a saving grace for me - an easy one to pop on throughout the day as and when needed and it just helps to keep flare-ups at bay. I use the Cleansing Balm at night and the Rescue Balm during the day on my nose and cheeks and have seen significant improvements in the reduction of breakouts, dryness and irritation.

It has definitely been a mind-shift and a time of accepting that things do change, not necessarily for the worst as I thought first off but just in different ways and it’s just about finding what works at a new stage of life.

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Written by Viv Barclay - http://www.mumentous.com/ 

I woke up one morning in 2015 feeling like I’d been given horse tranquillisers. This was nothing new. Menopause had turned me into feeling like a zombie most mornings since the year before. I made it to the sofa and flopped down in front of BBC Breakfast. I don’t think I’d even made myself a cuppa! 

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