Made of More - My Story

Written by Viv Barclay - 

I woke up one morning in 2015 feeling like I’d been given horse tranquillisers. This was nothing new. Menopause had turned me into feeling like a zombie most mornings since the year before. I made it to the sofa and flopped down in front of BBC Breakfast. I don’t think I’d even made myself a cuppa! 

3 minute read

There on the screen were 4 women from York who were training to row the Atlantic. I think they had just become the first team of women to row across The North Sea and I was in awe of The Yorkshire Rows. They weren’t ex-Olympians and they weren’t endurance athletes. They were ordinary beings like me and they were about to attempt the challenge of a lifetime.  

I followed their progress throughout the remaining months until the start of what was then known as the Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge and is now known as the World’s Toughest Row. 

For those who don’t know, it’s a 3000 mile journey from La Gomera in The Canaries across the Atlantic to Antigua. You take all your food with you, there’s a water maker on board, all the electrics are solar powered and there’s a high-tech, top of the range bucket for a loo; that could be an en suite but isn’t recommended! 

Their 68 day journey across the ocean was captivating for me. When they reached the other side and their flares were held high after they crossed the finish line, I knew I wanted to do it. More than that, I knew I could do it. If they could, so could I. Even though I felt incredibly inspired, doubts that had been sown in childhood surfaced and were magnified by my menopausal brain. You? You’re not one of those people who can do that type of thing! You know, make a difference, be inspiring. Who do you think you are? Achievement is for ‘other’ people, not for youuuuu!

For 5 years, I pushed the row to the back of my mind but then Frank Rothwell went and rowed the 3000 miles, crossing the line in 2021 and was the oldest man to do it solo at 70. That was it! I went onto Atlantic Campaign’s website and emailed for the application form.  And then I paid the deposit! 

Application accepted, my name was down plus – and here’s a thing – I’ll be one of only 30 women who have made the crossing solo. AND, not only that but I will be the oldest. Not bad to have the opportunity to achieve a New World Record at 59!

Life since then has been busy. I’ve raised £75,000 of the £120,000 I need to take part. I’ve found 12 sponsors (and still looking for others), including Made Of More, who is being wonderfully supportive. I’ve bought the boat, Jack Keane, and we’ve been out practicing all the skills and drills I need to make a safe crossing. 

I’ve chosen to use the row to raise money for menopause charities in the UK; the British Menopause Society, the Menopause Café and the Daisy Network. Why? I think if there had been as much awareness about menopause back in 2015, I would probably have had a very different experience. I just weathered it and not very well. I was moody, frustrated, developed anxiety driving, was tired ALL the time and the brain fog brought my life to a halt as it was just too hard to think. My life became very small as I disengaged and retreated to the sofa. 

But watching The Yorkshire Rows from there gave me something to hold on to. I knew nothing was permanent and that menopause would pass. Their achievement gave me hope that at some point, I could do something really meaningful with my life. And now I’m on my way towards it. 

Call me mad, but when something calls to you for whatever reason, I’m a great believer in following that call.  I want my life to have meaning and to me that means raising money for charity and that money will benefit others and hopefully reduce the number of women having an experience like mine.

Will I get to the start? Will I get to break free of those childhood doubts, change my life and that of others? Who knows but I think the only failure lies in not trying and I’m giving this my best shot. As Christopher Columbus said…

‘You can never cross the ocean unless you have the courage to lose sight of the shore.’ 

If you can, please help Viv get to the start line -

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