
Dr Dhesi’s Guide to Effective After-Sun Care

Sleep & Our Skin

Who turned up the heat?!

Midlife Skin Changes

Written by Mala Ungelson, Founder of Very Make Up Mad. 

I’m Mala (founder of  Very Makeup Mad) and I like to think of myself as the beauty Fairy Godmother -  here to assist, support, suggest and help women get to the best in beauty that much quicker.

My body was telling me I needed a change.

Written by Jenny O’Connell, Co-Founder of SISTERLY.

I was a barrister for 20 years and took on a major career pivot as a result of feeling sick of being sick! I’d had a busy but stressful career, an obsession with endurance sports and a love of margaritas (I never know when to go to bed) but modern life takes its toll. I got sick a lot - chest infections, strep throats and constant bugs - and I managed my health with antibiotics and steroids.

Is your skin screaming for ‘streaming’?

What’s made founder, Jackie cry….

Hormonal Summer Skin: What does it need and why?

We Are Made of More Series - The Importance of Spinal Health: Our Backbones to Life

Written by Anna Ellis, Head of Brand & Nicola Geismar from The Free Your Spine Method

I met Nicola at a wonderful event full of amazing women back in May and was immediately taken by her beautiful vintage shirt that she was wearing. Like with any first meet, you grab on to a hook to start the conversation, and yes, the shirt was our cue but we quickly moved on when I asked Nicola about her work and learning of her expertise but also experience of intense spinal problems.